Multiple sympathetic authorities and organisations have shown their support and solidarity in recent weeks towards the Asian American community, on account of the rising rate of hate crimes against AAPIs in the West, particularly within the USA. One such display was by the UCLA Center for Neighbourhood Knowledge (CNK), which developed a new website called the Movement Hub. This website serves as the centralised platform to amplify on-the-ground activism by the AAPI community and promote unity in a time when we must be driven to protest at the cost of our very health just to ensure our rights as humans aren’t taken away from us.

Paul Ong, UCLA Luskin research professor and CNK director stated, “It’s our hope that this site will be a useful tool to raise awareness on the intersectional issues impacting the AAPI community and other communities of colour.” It is such, then, that pain and discord have achieved what peacetime could not through the form of inter-communal fraternity and elite help extended to marginalised groups.

The hub’s resources will facilitate connections between people’s experiences and data, such as reporting hate crimes and suggesting ways to help victims. The AAPI Civic Engagement Fund has, in this time, provided $2 million towards an anti-racism network in 20 states. The senior program strategist at this organisation, Bo Thao-Urabe, states, “We have to find ways to participate in the global uprising for justice and radical transformation.” It is only through such links that true fraternity can be wrought.
